Network for Interprofessional Ediucation and Collaborative Practice in Health in Latin America and the Caribbean
Welcome to the Network for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in Health in Latin America and the Caribbean (REIP)
REIP is made up of a group of people and institutions interested in the topic of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Health Practices in Latin American and Caribbean countries, which was initially proposed in 2016, within the scope of the Regional Technical Meeting promoted by the Pan-American Organization. Americana da Saúde (PAHO/WHO): “Interprofessional health education: improving the capacity of human resources to achieve universal health”, held in Bogotá, Colombia.
Consequently, the network was born as a strategy between countries interested in the development of interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practices in health, with the purpose of contributing to improving the quality of health services and the training of human resources for health through the work of interprofessional teams.
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